The good stuff
We provide distinctive and superior alcoholic beverages to suit our customers’ unique and complex tastes. We educate and empower do-it-yourself customers to make their own high quality fermentables. These tailor-made products will allow us long term participation in their success at developing the best tasting beverages to be found anywhere.
Sawyers tap list
Sawyers Brewing Company offers beers, ciders, wines, wine coolers, seltzers and spirits.
We craft all of our beverages onsite.
Ciders rotate based on availability
Behind the Science
The art and craft of brewing, distilling, and wine making requires more than just a passion for fermentables and fine liquors. It involves real science and understanding of the processes involved. Our owners have advanced degrees in analytical and physical chemistry.
Grab a Drink
Looking for a place to enjoy a few drinks and good conversation where you don’t have to shout over pounding music and blaring televisions? Come in and unwind in our subdued, welcoming, and relaxed ambiance.
4574 Dowling Street,
Montague, MI 49437
(231) 923-1986